Lending & Safety Package

When a potential buyer is placing a mortgage on a home, a lender will hire an inspector to evaluate your property for specific lending standards. They look for items ranging from smoke detectors present to more obscure ones such as trip hazards, structural issues or items that a lender are concerned could be a liability.

It is usually best to be aware of potential issues and address them before inspectors or buyers notice them. Waiting till a buyer is already in contract can alarm buyers and lenders and at the very least slow down the sale of your home.

With our experience on your side and a report by an independent inspector we will work to address as many of these repairs as possible in advance. Each lender and inspector is different so we may not catch every possible item but we have seen enough inspections to know which items are “hot buttons” and get those addressed before their inspector shows up. If any items come up after the work is performed don’t worry, you have us on your team to help address needed issues right away. That’s part of your advantage in working with Sacramento Home Buyer.

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